Gathering Darkness In The World Egde Mountains

The world is changing. For few years, the famine and disease have been ravaging the Border Princes. Peasant rumors say that death walks the land, literally. They say uneasy corpses have been seen wandering towards the Forest of Gloom, like someone or something is summoning them. Something evil Is growing in this land.

This clearly noticed in the distant lands. It seems that all the evil creatures and beings are drawn to seek what great power looms in this distant corner of the world. Dark Longships and corsairs have been sighted In the Tilean sea, and herds of Beastmen have ravaged local countryside. Even Greenskins have been restless, as they sense a good grumping.

Idle Local Barons and Dwarf lords have retreated into their chambers to wait out this devastating time. Surely It cannot last forever… But it has been years already.  While the settlements start to run out of supplies, they have sent plea for help from distant allies. Surely someone would answer and come for aid. Nevertheless, locals seem to be utterly demoralized to act. If this continues, this sure will becomes wasteland.

While local lords choose to do nothing, small aspiring nobles decide to act before It Is too late. Petty lords started to muster garrisons, and small Dwarven expedition forces have left their great halls to seek this evil. These upstart youngsters see a chance to prove themselves and raise their status and reputation.

But the Border Princes are not alone. The call for aid has been heard all over the Old World and beyond. Bretonnian lords have answered the calls of their distant relatives. Dwarfs of the world edge mountains will remember their oaths for their kin! Some people even claim to have even seen sentient reptiles battling the chaos In the waists. Surely people are just seeing visions In their hunger… You should never trust the tongue of those pesky peasants!

Osallistu narratiiviseen kampanjaan 29.9.2024 mennessä!

Tämän kampanjan pelit tullaan käymään noin kolmen viikon sykleissä ja ne tulevat liittymään toisiinsa tarinan osalta. Kampanja pelataan Slow Grow -menetelmällä, jossa armeijakoon lisäksi myös armeijoiden characterit tulevat kasvamaan niille tehtyjen kampanjasääntöjen mukaisesti. 
Aloituspisteet armeijalle ovat 500 pts. Armeijoilla on maalauspakko. Armeijaksi käy kaikki Old Wordiin julkaistut armeijat ml. ns. Legasy armeijat.

Hyppää siis mukaan rakentamaan armeijallesi kasvutarinaa ja osallistumaan elämyksellisiin peleihin.

Huom! Tässä kampanjassa pelit tulevat sisältämään tarinavetoisia skenaarioita, paripelejä, piirityksiä, jne. Eli luvassa ei ole armeijoiden mirror matcheja, vaan jokainen skenaario kertoo tarinaa taistelukentällä.


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